Welcome to a New Shop for a New Time!
As many of you know, I normally participate in Autumn craft fairs in the United States, which has been the only place to buy most of what you find on these pages for many years. Because of the pandemic, for the first time, I am not making my usual trip. So I am putting as many of the products you would expect to see, as well as new ones, on this online shop. I'll miss the face to face interaction I've had with you and the hugs but all of these items are made with love and I hope that shines through. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if there is a favorite of yours you're not finding here.

Everything will be shipping from Scotland so if you are outside Europe, please place your Christmas orders as early as you can.
BBC Radio 4 Living National Treasures
BBC Radio 4 will rebroadcast Living National Treasures on September 27th, 2020. You can listen to what I do and as sound is such an important part of my practice, I think it is such a clever way to develop a different understanding of our world and people who practice unusual crafts. This programme was a joy to make and I hope you think it is a joy to listen to. All the other episodes in the series are fascinating too. Each episode is "a combination of slow radio, artisanal craft and poignant personal stories, getting under the skin of practitioners to learn why they've decided to practise rare and unusual crafts" (BBC Radio 4 website.) I find them all quite Zen and relaxing. More details to follow.