Today marks the one month anniversary of the opening of The Carrie Fertig Store, so I am celebrating! Thank you so much for your support, messages, and your business, it means so much to me. It's been so great to hear from you. It is also the day that I would normally be setting up my first craft show of the year in the United States. That first set up has so much amazing energy, seeing fellow artisans for the first time since December or earlier and getting super excited about seeing our beloved friends, customers, and meeting new friends to be.
In a normal year it's the first proper business day of a 10-12 show tour that due to the pandemic, is not happening. I am of course quite sad about that but the health and safety of everyone is far, far more important. No more soldering, sawing, drilling, and enameling in hotel rooms, no more banging copper in public parks. I've enjoyed meeting so many park rangers over the years ("What are you doing?") Actually they've all been wonderful, none of them have asked me to cease and desist, and one became a customer on the spot.
I've been exceptionally lucky and spent lockdown in my favourite place in the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland. During that time I was so fortunate to be able to go walking in the backyard which compriised 13,000 acres of mountains, waterfalls, deer, and sheep. It was really the greatest gift I have ever been given. On rainy days (it is Scotland after all) I made many of the copper pieces you see on the website all but one of which are one of a kind. In the coming days I will be adding more pieces and videos of how they are made. They are quite labour intensive but for your viewing pleasure, the videos are greatly speeded up.
During my show circuit I added new products at every show, so if I saw customers at more than one show, there is always something new for them to see. I am doing the same thing online, adding many items every week, so that each time you visit, there is always going to be a new surprise in store.
Those of you who know me in real life know I love people, I'm a big hugger, and connection with and between people is what makes me tick. So whilst we can't be together just now, I'd love to hear from you. How did you spend lockdown? Please let me know if there's something you would like to see in the shop and let me know how I can make this a better experience for you. My business is 34 years old and I have been honoured to be part of the holiday traditions of so many friends and customers. These traditions continue and in upcoming posts, newsletters, and blogs, I will be creatng new ways for you to be involved. Why not sign up to the newsletter for the latest news?
Stay well and safe and keep spreading the sunshine.
