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These glass vases started out life as part of a glass wedding gown! Commissioned to make a performance for the International Festival of Glass, 8 flameworkers, including myself, made and assembled a glass wedding gown live on a bride. The skirt of the dress was comprised of hundreds of these mini glass vase bottles that I made.
When the audience entered, they were handed roses and thistles. When the dress was completed, the audience was invited to insert their foliage into the many hundred bottles of the skirt, adding the only colour to the dress.
Use them for flowers, feathers, or other small treasure anywhere in the house, put live foliage on your Christmas tree, or bring the joy of flowers right under your nose with the Posie Necklace.
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Years ago my Mom had a Christmas tree that was all live camelias. It looked amazing for one day, and the next day, not so much.
I realised the wee bottle vases I had made for the glass wedding gown performance were the perfect solution. Having live foliage on your tree is surprising, beautiful, and can add a whole other layer of meaning to your holiday, depending upon what you put in your tree vases.
As small hanging see-through vessels they can be an all-year beautiful memorial to a loved one, to this time we are living through, or the joy you find in your day by placing precious things inside, maybe a lock of hair, a feather you found on a walk, or a rolled up note that only you know what is written on it.
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